Electrochemical Oxidation of Ethylene on Palladium Electrode

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Corresponding Author(s)

Ying Wang(ying.b.wang@cuhk.edu.hk)


The electrochemical oxidation of C2H4 is attracting increasing attention due to its vast potential market. The current electrochemical methods rely on the use of redox mediators, which may produce corrosive intermediates, while direct oxidation is still limited by its low activity and selectivity. Herein, we conducted electrochemical studies to obtain mechanistic insights into the benchmark Pd catalyst. The generated Pd(II) could be the active site for C2H4 oxidation. By designing the pulse sequence, we found the ratio of strongly and weakly adsorbed C2H4 on Pd to be 0.3:1. The result we obtained provides a guideline for the rational design of high-performance C2H4 oxidation catalysts.

Graphical Abstract


Electrochemical oxidation reaction, C2H4, adsorption, Palladium, electrochemical epoxidation

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