
About This Journal


Journal of Electrochemistry (J. Electrochem.) is the official journal of the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry (CSE) and is sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and Xiamen University, China. It is co-sponsored by the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces. Founded in 1995 by Professor Zhao-Wu Tian during the 46th annual meeting of the International Electrochemical Society in Xiamen, the journal continues to uphold its legacy under the guidance of Professor Shi-Gang Sun, the current Editor-in-Chief, with Professors Chang-Jian Lin and Jun Cheng serving as Executive Associate Editors-in-Chief.

The journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access publication that adheres to the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is published monthly in English and does not charge authors any article processing charges (APC).


  • 1995–2012: Published quarterly in Chinese.
  • 2012–2022: Transitioned to a bimonthly publication schedule.
  • 2023 onwards: Upgraded to monthly publications to enhance accessibility and efficiency.
  • 2025: Transitioned to publishing all content exclusively in English.

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Aims & Scope

J. Electrochem. is dedicated to publishing innovative and comprehensive research in electrochemistry, fostering advancements that inspire future generations of electrochemists worldwide. The journal welcomes contributions in, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • Electrochemical Energy
  • Corrosion
  • Electrocatalysis
  • Theories and Modeling
  • Spectroelectrochemistry and Methodology
  • Electroanalysis and Sensors
  • Electrodeposition and Manufacture
  • Surface and Interface

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From 1995 to 2012, all articles and reviews in the J. Electrochem. were published in Chinese. From 2012 to 2023, the journal featured a mix of articles, with some written in Chinese and others in English, depending on the preference of the authors. Since 2025, the journal has transitioned to publishing all articles and reviews exclusively in English, reflecting its commitment to reaching a global audience.

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Publishing Schedule

The journal has transitioned to 12 issues per year since 2022, ensuring timely dissemination of research.

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Open Access Statement / Copyright

Authors will assign copyright to Chinese Chemical Society and Xiamen University beside publishing and distribution rights.

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Submission Processing Fee

J. Electrochem.does not charge submission processing fees, maintaining its commitment to providing a platform free of cost for authors.

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The journal ensures perpetual access through preservation in CLOCKSS and assigns Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) via CrossRef for all articles.

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J. Electrochem. does not accept third-party advertisements.

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Indexing and Abstracting

The journal is abstracted and indexed by:

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Publisher/Editorial Office

U.S. Office
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA

China Office
(Xiamen: Dianhuaxue Bianjibu) Editorial Office of Journal of Electrochemistry, Xiamen University, China

E-mail: dianhx@xmu.edu.cn
Tel: +86-592-2181469

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