


1.1 Introduction to the Journal

Journal of Electrochemistry (J. Electrochem.) is the official journal of the Chinese Society of Electrochemistry (CSE) and is sponsored by the Chinese Chemical Society and Xiamen University, China. It is co-sponsored by the State Key Laboratory of Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces. Founded in 1995 by Professor Zhao-Wu Tian during the 46th annual meeting of the International Electrochemical Society in Xiamen, the journal continues to uphold its legacy under the guidance of Professor Shi-Gang Sun, the current Editor-in-Chief, with Professors Chang-Jian Lin and Jun Cheng serving as Executive Associate Editors.

The journal is a double-blind peer-reviewed, open-access publication that adheres to the ethical standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). It is published monthly in English and does not charge authors any article processing charges (APC). J.Electrochem. is dedicated to publishing innovative and comprehensive research in electrochemistry, fostering advancements that inspire future generations of electrochemists worldwide.

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1.2 Types of Contributions

Supporting information


Articles suitable for publication in J. Electrochem. should present significant, original research in the field of electrochemistry. These articles must offer high scientific quality, originality, and conceptual novelty that will be of interest to J. Electrochem.’s diverse readership. Articles should provide a comprehensive account of new experimental or theoretical findings that contribute meaningfully to the field. Manuscripts that primarily expand upon previously published results, including those published as Communications, will be considered only if they present significant new data, insights, or conceptual advances. To be accepted, Articles should introduce new findings or predictions that have broad relevance and impact in electrochemistry.

Length: Typically 4,000-7,000 words.


Reviews in J. Electrochem., written by leading experts in the field, provide a comprehensive summary of the most significant recent research results on topical subjects in all branches of electrochemistry. These Reviews should not only summarize past research but also identify unresolved problems and suggest potential future developments in the field. Although Reviews are generally invited by the editor, unsolicited manuscripts are welcome if they align with the scope of the journal. Authors should have a strong publication record in the relevant area. Reviews should aim to be more than a literature survey, offering critical analysis and synthesis of the field. References in Reviews are expected to exceed 100, ensuring thorough coverage of the topic.

Length: Typically, 8,000-10,000 words (without references).


Communications are brief reports of exceptional urgency, timeliness, and significance in the field of electrochemistry. These reports must have broad appeal and represent a novel scientific advance. A brief explanation of how the manuscript meets the criteria of urgency and significance should be included in the author’s cover letter. The main findings of the manuscript should be clearly stated in the opening sentences, ensuring that the key conclusions are immediately apparent. Multiple Communications on closely related topics by the same authors are discouraged; instead, a more comprehensive Article format should be used. Communications are restricted to new findings not previously published or reported elsewhere. If the manuscript describes a technical improvement or extension of previously published work by the same authors, it will only be accepted if it presents a significant new conceptual advance. The word count is limited to 2,500 words, inclusive of titles, footnotes, and captions for approximately five graphics. All graphics and tables must be integrated into the text at the point of first mention, not grouped at the end of the document. Supporting Information can be included if needed.

Length: Up to 2,500 words (without references).


Perspectives are personal, focused reviews of a specific area within electrochemistry, authored by experts who provide their insights into the current state of the field. Unlike comprehensive Reviews, Perspectives focus on specific trends or developments, highlighting key advances and proposing future research directions. Authors are encouraged to discuss the current literature, particularly key contributors, but the emphasis should be on providing visionary guidance for future research efforts. Perspectives are generally invited by the Editor, though authors may also submit proposals for consideration. It is highly recommended that authors contact the Editor to discuss the proposed topic before preparing and submitting a manuscript. Perspectives are concise yet impactful, offering deep insights while maintaining clarity and accessibility.

Length: Up to 8,000 words (without references).


Highlights in J. Electrochem. are peer-reviewed contributions that emphasize very important recent results of original research. These articles are typically authored by individuals who were not involved in the original study and aim to instruct and draw attention to the significance of the findings. Highlights should provide a clear summary of the key contributions of the featured research, explain its impact on the field, and discuss potential future directions or implications. The focus is on presenting the research in a way that is accessible and engaging for a broad scientific audience.

Length: 1,500-2,500 words.


Editorials in J. Electrochem. are authoritative pieces written by the journal's editorial board or invited guest experts. They focus on key issues affecting the field of electrochemistry, including new developments, important announcements, and editorial decisions that impact the journal or the broader scientific community. Editorials may address recent trends, significant research breakthroughs, or changes in journal policies. Their purpose is to provide context, offer reflections on current events, and guide readers on crucial topics of interest. Editorials aim to engage the community by presenting thoughtful commentary on issues pertinent to the field.

Length: 1,000-2,000 words.

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2.Before You Begin

2.1 Ethical Responsibilities of Authors

This journal is committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific record. The journal will follow the COPE guidelines on how to deal with potential acts of misconduct.

Authors should refrain from misrepresenting research results which could damage the trust in the journal, the professionalism of scientific authorship, and ultimately the entire scientific endeavor. Maintaining integrity of the research and its presentation can be achieved by following the rules of good scientific practice, which include:

The manuscript has not been submitted to more than one journal for simultaneous consideration.

The manuscript has not been published previously (partly or in full), unless the new work concerns an expansion of previous work (please provide transparency on the re-use of material to avoid the hint of text-recycling (“self-plagiarism”)).

A single study is not split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions and submitted to various journals or to one journal over time (e.g. “salami-publishing”).

No data have been fabricated or manipulated (including images) to support your conclusions. Upon request, authors should be prepared to submit relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of the results. This could be in the form of, raw data, samples, records, etc.

No data, text, or theories by others are presented as if they were the author’s own (“plagiarism”). Proper acknowledgements to other works must be given (this includes material that is closely copied (near verbatim), summarized and/or paraphrased), quotation marks are used for verbatim copying of material, and permissions are secured for material that is copyrighted.

Important note: the journal may use software to screen for plagiarism.

Consent to submit has been received explicitly from all co-authors, as well as from the responsible authorities - tacitly or explicitly - at the institute/organization where the work has been carried out, before the work is submitted.

Changes of authorship or in the order of authors are not accepted after acceptance of a manuscript.

Requests to add or delete authors at the revision stage or after publication is a serious matter and may be considered only after receiving a written approval from all authors with a detailed explanation about the role/deletion of the new/deleted author. The decision of whether or not to accept the change rests with the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.

Authors whose names appear on the submission have contributed sufficiently to the scientific work and therefore share collective responsibility and accountability for the results.

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2.2 Studies in Humans and Animals

If the work involves the use of human subjects, the author should ensure that the work described has been carried out in accordance with The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) for experiments involving humans. The manuscript should be in line with the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals and aim for the inclusion of representative human populations (sex, age and ethnicity) as per those recommendations. The terms sex and gender should be used correctly.

Authors should include a statement in the manuscript that informed consent was obtained for experimentation with human subjects. The privacy rights of human subjects must always be observed.

All animal experiments should comply with the ARRIVE guidelines and should be carried out in accordance with the U.K. Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act, 1986 and associated guidelines, EU Directive 2010/63/EU for animal experiments, or the National Institutes of Health guide for the care and use of Laboratory animals (NIH Publications No. 8023, revised 1978) and the authors should clearly indicate in the manuscript that such guidelines have been followed. The sex of animals must be indicated, and where appropriate, the influence (or association) of sex on the results of the study.

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2.3 Declaration of Competing Interest

Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest related to their research, covering the entire duration of the study, without any time limit. Please see the link before submission, and declare the Conflict of interest during the manuscript submission process.

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2.4 Submission Declaration and Verification

Journal of Electrochemistry does not publish manuscripts that have already appeared in print or electronically. Submission of a manuscript implies that the paper has not been previously published (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis) and is not under consideration for publication in any medium and any language. It is not in violation of any copyright law, and all authors and responsible authorities of the manuscript have agreed to its submission. the authors are to ensure that the publication of the manuscript is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent of the copyright holder. To verify originality, our article may be checked through Crossref's Similarity Check service.

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2.5 Use of Inclusive Language

Inclusive language acknowledges diversity, conveys respect to all people, is sensitive to differences, and promotes equal opportunities. Content should make no assumptions about the beliefs or commitments of any reader; contain nothing which might imply that one individual is superior to another on the grounds of age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition; and use inclusive language throughout. Authors should ensure that writing is free from bias, stereotypes, slang, reference to dominant culture and/or cultural assumptions. We advise to seek gender neutrality by using plural nouns as default/wherever possible to avoid using "he, she," or "he/she." We recommend avoiding the use of descriptors that refer to personal attributes such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, disability or health condition unless they are relevant and valid. These guidelines are meant as a point of reference to help identify appropriate language but are by no means exhaustive or definitive.

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2.6 Author List

When submit a manuscript, the submitting author must provide the contact information (full name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation and mailing address) of all co-authors. Requests to add or remove an author, or to rearrange the author names, must be sent to the Journal Editorial office from the corresponding author of the manuscript and must include: (a) the reason the name should be added or removed, or the author names rearranged and (b) written confirmation (e-mail, fax, letter) from all authors that they agree with the addition, removal or rearrangement. Changes of the author list should be made only before the manuscript has been accepted and only if approved by the Editor-in-Chief, Executive Associate Editors and Associate Editors Team.

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2.7 Cover Letter

A letter is required along with the manuscript, and it must include the following components.

(a) A paragraph clearly presenting the novelty of the work and the reason why your manuscript is suitable for Journal of Electrochemistry.

(b) Authors are strongly encouraged to submit the manuscript with high significance rejected by other international journals (such as Journal of the American Chemical Society, Journal of Power Sources, etc.) with at least one referee recommending acceptance. Journal of Electrochemistry will handle the manuscripts as soon as possible. The Editor-in-Chief, Executive Associate Editors and Associate Editors will make the final decision for such manuscripts without further reviewing or with only one referee’s comments.

(c) If the manuscript was previously rejected by Journal of Electrochemistry, these authors should provide both the manuscript number of the original manuscript and a detailed response to each reviewer's comments.

(d) A statement confirming the manuscript, or its contents in any other form (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), has not been published previously by any of the authors, nor is it under consideration for publication in any medium and any language, at the time of submission.

(e) A description of any supporting information and/or Review-Only Material.

(f) The names and e-mail addresses of three suggested possible reviewers.

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2.8 Details of Submission

The following information is required during manuscript submission process:

  • Type of manuscript (Reviews, Perspective, Communications, Articles, Highlights and Editorial)
  • Manuscript title
  • Abstract
  • Attributes (Subject and Keyword)
  • Authors and Institutions (the submitting author must provide the contact information (full name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation and mailing address) of all co-authors)
  • Reviewers (provide at least three potential Reviewers)
  • Details and Comments
  • File Upload
  • Review and Submit

Precautions for handling dangerous materials or for performing hazardous procedures should be fully and clearly stated in the manuscript.

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3.1 Use of Word Processing Software

When preparing the manuscript, use A4 paper, 10-point font size, 12pt spacing, and single column. Keep the layout of the text clear and simple. All figures and tables must be placed in the manuscript file. Number all pages consecutively. All sections of the paper must be presented in a clear and concise manner.

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3.2 Article Structure

Authors are advised to arrange figures, tables, or schemes in the order they are mentioned within the manuscript. Each figure, table, or scheme should appear in the relevant section to ensure clarity and facilitate easy reference for reviewers and readers. Please ensure that they are well-integrated into the text and follow the format guidelines provided.

  • Title page
  • Abstract, Keywords
  • Introduction
  • Material and methods (Experimental or Methodology or Patients and methods)
  • Results
  • Discussion (Results and discussion can be combined in one section)
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgment(s)
  • Conflicts of Interest
  • References
  • Chinese Abstract
  • Tables
  • Figures


All acknowledgments (if any) should be included at the very end of the manuscript before the references. Anyone who made a contribution to the research or manuscript, such as technical support or writing assistance, but who is not a listed author, should be acknowledged (with their permission). Organizations that provided support in terms of funding and/or other resources should also be acknowledged. Please describe any sources of funding that have supported the work. The statement should include details of any grants received (please give the name of the funding agency and grant number).

Conflicts of Interest

Authors must declare all relevant interests that could be perceived as conflicting. Authors should explain why each interest may represent a conflict. If no conflicts exist, the authors should state this. Submitting authors are responsible for co-authors declaring their interests.


Text: Indicate references by Arabic numerals in brackets, which run in order of appearance throughout the text. For instance [4] or [7-10, 13,15]. The actual authors can be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given.


During submission, figures and tables should be embedded within the manuscript text. Upon acceptance, authors will be asked to provide the source files of the figures (each as a separate electronic file). All figures should be cited in the manuscript in consecutive order. Figures should be supplied in either vector art formats (Illustrator, EPS, WMF, FreeHand, CorelDraw, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) or bitmap formats (Photoshop, TIFF, GIF, JPEG, etc.). Bitmap images should be of 300 dpi resolution at least unless the resolution is intentionally set to a lower level for scientific reasons. If a bitmap image has labels, the image and labels should be embedded in separate layers. Figures should be referred to as Fig. 1, Figs. 2, 3-5, using Arabic numerals. Ensure that all tables, figures, and schemes are cited in the text in numerical order.  Figure parts should be denoted by lowercase letters (a,b,c,..etc).


Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Every table must have a descriptive title and if numerical measurements are given, the units should be included in the column heading. Vertical rules should not be used.

Nomenclature and Units

All measurements and data should be given in SI units where possible, or in other internationally accepted units in parentheses throughout the text. Illustrations and Tables should use conventional units, with conversion factors given in legends or footnotes.

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3.3 Statements & Declarations

Starting from 2025, all articles in our journal have been published in English. The following statements must be included in your submitted manuscript under the heading 'Statements and Declarations'. This should be placed after the Main Text and before the References section.


Individuals who participated in the development of a manuscript but do not qualify as authors should be acknowledged. Organizations that provided support in terms of funding and/or other resources should also be acknowledged. Acknowledgments should include individuals who contributed significantly to the research but do not meet the criteria for authorship, such as technical support or writing assistance. Funding sources and institutional support should also be acknowledged.

Authors must state how the research and publication of their article were funded, by naming financially supporting body(s) (written out in full) followed by associated grant number(s) in square brackets (if applicable). For example:

“This work was supported by the National Science Foundation [grant number zzzz]”.

If the research did not receive specific funding but was performed as part of the employment of the authors, please name this employer. If the funder was involved in the manuscript writing, editing, approval, or decision to publish, please declare this.

Competing Interests

Authors are required to disclose financial or non-financial interests that are directly or indirectly related to the work submitted for publication. Interests within the last 3 years of beginning the work (conducting the research and preparing the work for submission) should be reported. Interests outside the 3-year time frame must be disclosed if they could reasonably be perceived as influencing the submitted work.

Example statements:

“Financial interests: Author A and B declare they have no financial interests. Author C has received speaker and consultant honoraria from Company M. Dr. C has received speaker honorarium and research funding from Company M and Company N. Author D has received travel support from Company O. Non-financial interests: Author D has served on advisory boards for Company M and Company N.”

“The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.”

Please refer to the “Conflicts of Interest” section for more information on how to complete these sections.

Data Availability

This journal encourages authors to provide a statement of data availability in their article. Data Availability Statements should include information on where data supporting the results reported in the article can be found, including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly archived datasets analysed or generated during the study. Data availability statements can also indicate whether data are available on request from the authors and where no data are available, if appropriate.

Example statements:

“The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available in the [NAME] repository, [PERSISTENT LINK TO DATASETS]”

“The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.”

Please refer to the “Research Data Policy and Data Availability” section for more information on how to complete this section.

Author Contributions

Authors must disclosure their specific contributions to the published work through submission system. This part is mandatory. The publisher will retain the relevant records of the authors in the submission system to ensure that the author contribution are properly preserved and respected.

Examples of designations include:

“All authors contributed to the study conception and design. Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by [full name], [full name] and [full name]. The first draft of the manuscript was written by [full name] and all authors commented on previous versions of the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.”

Please refer to the “Authorship and Contributorship” section for more information on how to complete this section.

In addition to the above, manuscripts that report the results of studies involving humans and/or animals should include the following declarations: ethics approval, consent to participate, consent to publish.

Ethics Approval

Authors of research involving human or animal subjects should include a statement that confirms that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee and reference number, if available). For research involving animals, their data or biological material, authors should supply detailed information on the ethical treatment of their animals in their submission. If a study was granted exemption or did not require ethics approval, this should also be detailed in the manuscript.

“This study was performed in line with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki. Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University B (Date.../No....).”

“This is an observational study. The XYZ Research Ethics Committee has confirmed that no ethical approval is required.”

For detailed information on relevant ethical standards and criteria, please refer to the sections on “Research Ethics and Consent”, “Studies in Humans and Animals”.

Consent to Participate

For all research involving human subjects, freely-given, informed consent to participate in the study must be obtained from participants (or their parent or legal guardian in the case of children under 16) and a statement to this effect should appear in the manuscript.

Example statement:

“Informed consent was obtained from all individual participants included in the study.”

“Written informed consent was obtained from the parents.”

Please refer to the section on “Consent for Publication” and “Research Ethics and Consent” for additional help with completing this information.

Consent to Publish

Individuals may consent to participate in a study, but object to having their data published in a journal article. If your manuscript contains any individual person’s data in any form (including any individual details, images or videos), consent for publication must be obtained from that person, or in the case of children, their parent or legal guardian. This is in particular applicable to case studies. A statement confirming that consent to publish has been received from all participants should appear in the manuscript.

Example statement:

“The authors affirm that human research participants provided informed consent for publication of the images in Figure(s) 1a, 1b and 1c.”

Please refer to the section on “Consent for Publication” and “Research Ethics and Consent” for additional help with completing this information.

Start from year of 2025, authors are required to complete the online form, disclose any competing interests, acknowledge all funding sources supporting the work, data availability and deposition, human and animal participants, research ethics and consent, consent for publication and author contributions, etc., relevant details should also be clearly stated. Before submitting your manuscript, please read carefully and fill in the relevant information as required to ensure a smooth submission process. Please note that submissions that do not include required statements will be returned as incomplete. If you have any questions during the submission process, feel free to contact us (Email: dianhx@xmu.edu.cn).

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3.4 Submission

All manuscripts must be submitted online. Via the journal website, you will be guided step by step through forming and uploading of different files. The manuscript handling system automatically converts the source files to PDF and HTML versions, which are used for the peer-review process. Please do note that these source files are needed for further processing after the manuscript acceptance. All correspondence, including notification of the Editor's decision and requests for revision, takes place by e-mail and via the author's homepage, removing the need for a hard-copy paper trail.

In response to the request for revision from the Editor, authors must also submit all revisions and final, accepted manuscripts via the journal website. Any Supporting Information should also be submitted electronically. The authors must inform the Editor of manuscripts submitted, soon to be submitted, or in press in other journals that have a bearing on the manuscript being submitted to Journal of Electrochemistry. If the manuscript is a revised/extended version of a manuscript previously rejected by Journal of Electrochemistry, the author must inform the Editor about the previous submission in the cover letter and explain in detail what changes have been made. This will help in the review process. In particular, authors should reveal all sources of funding for the work presented in the manuscript and should declare any conflict of interest.

If the manuscript contains references to unpublished works, copies of these manuscripts should be provided to aid the review process.

If figures and tables in the manuscript are taken directly from other copyrighted works, the author must supply the written permission from the copyright owners and credit the source in the manuscript.

A submitted Communication must include a brief statement from the authors explaining the papers significance and why it deserves rapid publication. An abstract should be included for use in reviewing.

For all manuscripts, there are no manuscript submission fees or APC (Article Processing Charges). No fee is required for papers published.

Referees. Please submit, with the manuscript, the names, addresses and e-mail addresses of at least 3 potential international referees. Note that the editor decides whether or not the suggested reviewers are used.

Office of Journal of Electrochemistry

U.S. Office
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of California, 1156 High Street, Santa Cruz, CA 95064, USA

China Office
(Xiamen: Dianhuaxue Bianjibu) Editorial Office of Journal of Electrochemistry, Xiamen University, China

E-mail: dianhx@xmu.edu.cn

Tel: +86-592-2181469


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3.5 Editorial Review

All editorial correspondence concerning receipt, review, revision, editing, proofs, and publication of a manuscript will be sent to only the corresponding author by e-mail and via the author's homepage. All correspondence concerning the manuscript must include the manuscript number in the "Subject" line of the e-mail message.

Peer Review

All submitted manuscripts are reviewed initially by the Editor and/or Associate Editors. Manuscripts that lack novelty or new insights and do not meet the general criteria for publication in this journal will be rejected without external peer review. In such instances, these decisions will be sent as quickly as possible so as not to delay publication elsewhere. For other manuscripts, the Editors and Associate Editors will invite two or more referees who are active in the field to review the manuscript. The reviewers act only in an advisory capacity, and the final decision is the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editors. The reviewers are asked to comment not only on the scientific content but also on the manuscript’s suitability for Journal of Electrochemistry. The manuscript that passes the initial evaluation will be sent to review by at least two external double-blind reviewers who have areas of expertise related to the submitted manuscripts. In general, reviewers return comments in 28 days. The comments will be sent to the authors regardless of whether the manuscript is accepted or not.

Revised Manuscripts

After the peer review, if a revision is requested for a potentially acceptable manuscript, the authors should upload the revised manuscript via the Journal website as soon as possible. The revision deadlines for Reviews, Perspective, Articles are as follows.

Minor revisions: 14 days

Major revisions: 21 days

Reject and resubmit: 90 days

Owing to their shorter format and higher degree of imperativeness, the revision deadlines for Communications, Highlight and Editorials are as follows:

Minor revisions: 10 days

Major revisions: 15 days

Reject and resubmit: 45 days

If a revised manuscript is returned late and after a period that exceeds the average publication time, the manuscript will be given a new queue date for publication. Revised papers should be accompanied by a point-by-point response to all the comments made by the reviewers. All revised contents in the manuscript should be underlined to facilitate further review. Revised manuscripts are sometimes sent back to the original reviewers, who are asked to comment on the revisions. If only minor revisions are involved, the Editor will examine the revised manuscript in light of the recommendations of the reviewers without seeking further opinions. The final decision to accept or reject a paper will be made by the Editorial Board and the Editorial Office.

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4.After Acceptance

4.1 Editing and Proofs

Accepted papers are copy-edited and language polished with a view to clarity, brevity, and consistency before publication to conform to the journal style and to meet space limitations. Page proofs in PDF format which can be annotated are sent by e-mail to the corresponding author, who is to check it for typesetting and editing errors.

If you do not wish to use the PDF annotation’s function, you may list the corrections (including replies to the Query Form) and return them to Journal of Electrochemistry in an e-mail. Please list your corrections quoting line number. If, for any reason, this is not possible, then mark the corrections and any other comments (including replies to the Query Form) on a printout of your proof and scan the pages and then e-mail these to us. Please use the proof only for checking the typesetting, editing, completeness and correctness of the text, tables and figures. Significant changes to the article as accepted for publication will only be considered at this stage with permission from the Editor. We will do everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately – please let us have all your corrections within 48 hours. It is important to ensure that all corrections are sent back to us in one communication: please check carefully before replying, as inclusion of any subsequent corrections cannot be guaranteed. Proofreading is solely your responsibility. Note that Journal of Electrochemistry can proceed with the publication of your article if no response is received.

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Upon acceptance of an article, authors will be asked to submit a Copyright Transfer Form

. The Copyright Transfer Form can be downloaded via the below, and which should be sent back to editor office through Editorial Manager site.

Download Copyright Transfer Form (PDF)