
Corresponding Author

Xue ming LI


An optical wave guide sensing method was proposed for monitoring corrosion of metal in outdoors steel structures. Replacing the cladding of wave guide with metal film in a particular location, the method takes the metal film as the corrosion sensitive film. The experiment of waveguide sensor was carried out on a 721 colorimetric vessel, with which the soution is held in itself and the light is propagated in its sidewall. A Fe C alloy film was electroplated onto the inner sied of vessel to form the corrosion sensitive film. The structure of the Fe C alloy film was studied by XRD、EDX and burning gas capacity method.The comparison test of optics and electrochemistry was used to eveluate the sensing ability of the film; it's shown that the light propagating in the opitical waveguide is affected by the polarization current. The result demonstrated the feasibility of using optical fiber corrosion sensors for monitoring corrosion of outdoor steel structures.


Optic wave guide, Corrosion monitoring, Fe C alloy

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