
Peer Review Process

All manuscripts are first screened and checked for plagiarism using “Turnitin”, for publication ethics, the journal will follow the COPE guidelines on how to deal with potential acts of misconduct.

Manuscripts not adhering to the journal guidelines will be returned to the authors without scientific evaluation.

Manuscripts adhering to the journal guidelines will be initially evaluated by the associate editor for their scope, originality, and novelty. The manuscript that passes the initial evaluation will be sent to review by at least two external double-blind reviewers who have areas of expertise related to the submitted manuscripts. The manuscript that failed from initial review will be rejected from further review process. The average time from submission to first decision will be one month.

The associate editor examines and prepare a decision letter according to the comments and suggestions of the reviewers including detailed instructions to authors on how to revise it and comply to the reviewers' comments. A decision letter is sent to the corresponding author with a recommendation to accept the work with major or minor revisions to the manuscript or to reject the work without further consideration. The average time from submission to final acceptance will be 5-12 weeks.

The Editor-in-Chief has the final right/discretion to publish or reject.