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Ge-ping YIN


The resistance to electrochemical oxidation of multi-wall carbon nanotubes(CNT) with various diameters is investigated by applying a fixed potential of 1.2 V(RHE) for 120 h in 0.5 mol L~(-1) H_(2)SO_(4).The oxidation current of CNTs decreases with their diameters,but CNTs between 10~20 nm in diameter(D1020) shows the lowest oxidation current.XPS analysis shows that,after oxidation,the increase in surface oxygen for D1020 is the smallest,implying that the oxidation degree for D1020 is the lowest.The conclusion can be reached that CNTs between 10~20 nm in diameter are the most resistant to electrochemical oxidation.The difference in electrochemical stability of CNTs is attributed to the difference in CNT structure: the amount of defects and amorphous carbon and the carbon atom strain caused by the curvature.


Carbon nanotubes, Resistance to electrochemical oxidation, Low temperature fuel cell, Catalyst

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