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WUHui-huang WUHui-huang


A new procedure of surface activation without using palladium salt was proposed for electroless nickel plating on carbon nanotubes.In the procedure,carbon nanotubes were oxidized by nitric acid and then neutralized with NaOH to create carboxyl surface groups which were used to adsorb Ni~(2+)ions,thereafter the adsorbed Ni~(2+)ions were chemically reduced into Ni nano-particles as a catalytic center for electroless nickel deposition,all these were further confirmed by infrared absorption spectra and electron microscopic observations.The results indicate that the procedure is feasible to electroless nickel plating on carbon nanotubes.The different morphology of deposits obtained from electroless plating was also discussed.


Carbon nanotube, Surface activation, Electroless nickel plating

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