
Corresponding Author

Ai-Bing Chen(chen_ab@163.com);
Dao-Jin Zhou(zhoudj@mail.buct.edu.cn);
Xiao-Ming Sun(sunxm@mail.buct.edu.cn)


Active and durable electrocatalysts for methanol oxidation reaction are of critical importance to the commercial viability of direct methanol fuel cell, which has already attracted growing popularities. However, current methanol oxidation electrocatalysts fall far short of expectations and suffer from excessive use of noble metal, mediocre activity, and rapid decay. Here we report the Pt anchored on NiFe-LDHs surface hybrid for stable methanol oxidation in alkaline media. Based on the high intrinsic methanol oxidation activity of Pt nanoparticles, the substrates NiFe-LDHs further enhanced anti-poisoning ability and maintained unaffected stability after 200,000 s cycle test compared to commercial Pt/C catalyst. The use of NiFe-LDHs is believed to play the decisive role to evenly disperse Pt nanoparticles on their surface using single atomic dispersed Fe as anchoring sites, making full use of abundant OH groups and subsequent facilitating the oxidative removal of carbonaceous poison on neighboring Pt sites. This work highlights the specialty of NiFe-LDHs in improving the overall efficiency of methanol oxidation reaction.

Graphical Abstract


Layered double hydroxides; Methanol oxidation; Single-atom; Pt electrocatalysts

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

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