
Corresponding Author

HangJiang Zhiyu Chen


The influence of heat on the measurement of photocurrent for nickel electrode in 1 mol/L NaOH solution was investigated by using the photocurrent,photothermal and thermal current methods. It was found that the appearance of photocurrent in potential region of -0.750.20 V(vs. Hg/HgO electrode) was due to the p_type semiconductor properties of Ni(OH)2 film in which is agree with the previous report. In the Ni(OH)2/NiOOH redox potential region, the increase of temperature at the surface of working electrode during irradiation significantly promoted the electrochemical reaction strongly. The photocurrent observed in potential region 0.200.57 V is mainly attributed to the influence of heat produced upon irradiation. This is contrary to the view of the photoelectrochemical properties of the semiconductor reported in literature.


Photocurrent, Nickel electrode, Thermal current, Anodic film

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