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Shi gang SUN


The electrochemical behaviors of irreversibly adsorbed antimony on Pt(100), Pt(110), Pt(111) and Pt(320) were studied by using cyclic voltammetry. The results revealeds that the Sb adatoms are stable on Pt(100), Pt(110), Pt(111) and on Pt(320) when electrode potentials are below 0.45 V(SCE) and 0.40 V, respectively. It was demonstrated that various coverages of Sb ad can be conveniently obtained by controlling the number of potential cycling and varying the upper limit of potential scan. The electrochemical behaviors of irreversibly adsorbed antimony varied with the surface atomic arrangement of Pt single crystal electrodes. Based on quantitative results of the relationship between θ H and θ Sb , the models of surface structure for saturation adsorption of Sb on the 4 Pt single crystal electrodes are proposed.


Pt single crystal electrodes, Irreversibly adsorption of Sb, Coadsorption

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