
Corresponding Author

Hou tian LIU


The cyclic voltammograms for Pb - 0.5 at% Ca - 1.5 at% Sn and Pb - 0.5 at% Ca - 1.5 at% Sn containing a certain amount of cerium in 4.5 mol·dm -3 H 2SO 4 at 20℃ were measured between 0.6 V and 1.4 V(vs. Hg/Hg 2SO 4). The growth rate of the anodic Pb(Ⅱ) films formed on the mentioned alloy electrodes at 0.9 V in the same sulfuric acid medium was investigated using the Linear Sweep Voltammetry. The variation with electrode potential of the real part of the impedence (Z’) for the anodic Pb(Ⅱ) films was measured using the A.C. Voltammetry. The experiment results show that the cerium added to Pb Ca Sn alloys may inhibit the growth of the anodic Pb(Ⅱ) film and reduce the resistivity of the anodic Pb(Ⅱ) film. The capacity losses at deep charge/discharge cycles for the lead acid batteries with the positive grids manufactured using the mentioned lead alloys were measured. The results show that the performance of the deep charge/discharge cycles for the grid made of Pb Ca Sn Ce alloy is better than that of Pb Ca Sn alloy.


Pb Ca Sn Ce alloy, Lead acid battery

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