

Sheng CUI
yun yun


Polymers were prepared by oxidation of biphenyl and p terphenyl by consecutive cyclic voltammetry and at a constant potential in rigorously dried dichloromethane solutions. In situ studies on the polymerization properties and deposited polymer were also proceeded employing electrochemical quartz crystal micro balance, spectroelectrochemical measurements. The great mass deposition was observed as the biphenyl and p terphenyl monomers are oxidized indicating that polymers were formed by the oxidation of biphenyl and p terphenyl in the solution and then deposited on the platinum electrode surfaces. Polymerization can be further confirmed by the red shifts of spectra observed by spectroelectrochemical measurements. The polymerization might be proceeded with several steps by coupling of oxidized monomer radical cations in both case of biphenyl and p terphenyl.


electrochemical quarts crystal micro balance, poly para phenylene, electroluminiscence

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