

Because of its great importance both in electrocatalysis and C1 chemistry applications, the adsorption of CO on metallic electrodes such as Pt, Pd, Au, Ag, RhF ̄[1~2], etc. has been extensively studied by in situ infrared spectroscopy Since 1981. In all these studies only three types of CO adsorbates, i. e. , linear (2 090~2 000 cm ̄(-1)), bridgrd (2 000~1 900 cm ̄(-1)) or multi-bonded (1900~1 800 cm ̄(-1)) species, were identified. A different absorbate, twin CO on rhodium ((Rh (CO)2) , does exist on the solid/gas interface of highly dispersed Rh or Rhn clusters[3~4] on supports,this species originating a doublet at 2100 and 2030 cm ̄(-1) for its symmetrical and asymmetrical stretch modes, respectively. To our knowledge, this doublet has not been reported yet for the Rh/electrolyre interface.


In situ multi-step FTIRS, Surface processes, Twin adsorbates, Carbon References

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