

The energy storage mechanisms of electrochemical double-layer capacitor (EDLC) and C/Ni(OH)_2 hybrid capacitor had been studied. The results proved that,the difference between the capacity of EDLC and C/Ni(OH)_2 hybrid capacitor was detemined by the effectiveness usage of the activated carbon negative electrode, which is a criterion to estimate or design the theoretic capacity of the C/Ni(OH)_2 hybrid capacitor.The electrochemical availability of activated matter in Ni(OH)_2 electrode was introduced,and the quantity of the activated matter in Ni(OH)_2 electrode should be compatible with the capacity of carbon electrode .When the capacities of Ni(OH)_2 electrode and activated carbon electrode were matched well,the capacity and high rate performance of the hybrid capacitor would be improved.


EDLC, Hybrid capacitor, Activated carbon negative electrode, Ni(OH)_2 electrode

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