"Studies on Performance and Electrode Materials for All Vanadium Flow B" by YUAN Jun


In this paper,cyclic voltammetry has been used to study the electrochemical performance of the treated and untreated graphite,soft graphite and PAN-carbon cloth in vanadium sulfate solution.The results show that: the reversibility of reaction can be improved on the surface of treated electrode,and the current can also increase;the electrochemical performance of treated electrode is remarkably enhanced;in the process of charge/discharge,the charge current can reach up to 20 mA/cm~(2),and discharge current up to 15 mA/cm~(2);surface morphology of the treated and untreated graphite show that the treatment can change the surface structure of electrode and also add the reaction area.


Vanadium battery, Electrode, Cyclic voltammetry

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