
Corresponding Author

Shao-ping TONG(sptong@zjut.edu.cn)


Under the condition of keeping certain acidity, the pretreatment efficiency of an acid chemical wastewater (pH 0.85) by electrochemical oxidation was compared with that by ozonation. The results showed that the electrochemical oxidation pretreatment could obtain a better result than the ozonation at pH 0.85. After the addition of 2 g·L-1 NaCl and with the electrochemical oxidation pretreatment at 30 mA·cm-2, the removal rate of chemical oxygen demand (CODCr) reached 43.4%, and the value of biochemical oxygen demand/chemical oxygen demand (BOD5/CODCr) also increased from 0.034 to 0.14 in 20 minutes, indicating significantly improvement in the biodegradability of the wastewater. However, the ozonation alone had a low pretreatment efficiency at pH 0.85, and could only become as effective as those done by the electrochemical oxidation pretreatment at pH 7.0. A ozone-based advanced oxidation technology, Ti(Ⅳ)/O3/H2O2, was also relatively effective at pH 2.85. The value of 22.9% for the removal rate of CODCr could be obtained and the value of BOD5/CODCr went up from 0.034 to 0.072 in 16 min.

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electrochemical oxidation, ozonation, advanced oxidation technology, titanium ion, acid chemical wastewater

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