"Recent Progress in Solid-state NMR Study of Electrode/electrolyte Mate" by Gui-ming ZHONG, Zi-geng LIU et al.

Corresponding Author

Yong Yang(yyang@xmu.edu.cn)


Solid state NMR technique is a powerful tool for characterizing the local structure and compositions of solid materials quantitatively. A comprehensive understanding of the structure evolution during the electrochemical reactions of the materials for lithium/sodium ion batteries will be obtained with the combination of solid state NMR, XRD, and XAS methods. Through analyzing solid state NMR spectra, we can obtain the compositions, local structures and ion diffusion dynamics of electrodes, electrolytes and surface layers for lithium/sodium ion batteries, providing an important theoretical support for the design and development of high-performance materials for batteries. In this paper, we review the recent advances in the application of solid state NMR techniques in studies of electrodes, electrolyte materials and solid-electrolyte interface (SEI layer) for lithium/sodium ion batteries over the past 3 years, in combination with research results from our group.

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Solid state NMR, Local structure, Lithium ion batteries, Sodium ion batteries, Structure-function relationship

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