
Corresponding Author

Jin-tao ZHANG(jtzhang@sdu.edu.cn)


A large-scale application of fossil fuels has led to excessive emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), resulting in serious environmental issues. A promising path to reducing CO2 emissions is recycling CO2 into valuable chemicals and fuels through an electrochemical process. Herein, the redox reactions between copper (Cu) and ferric chloride (FeCl3) have been utilized to regulate the Cu surface composition and structure, aimed to improve the electrocatalytic activity toward CO2 reduction. Typically, a series of samples (named Cu-1h, Cu-2h, Cu-3h and Cu-4h) were prepared via the redox reactions for various time from 1 to 4 h. When used as electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction reaction (CO2RR), the Cu-3h catalyst exhibited the best catalytic performance, showing the smallest onset potential (-0.3 V vs. RHE) and largest current density. Additionally, the Faradaic efficiencies for CO and CH4 at -0.6 V vs. RHE reached around 60%. The in-situ redox reaction provides a promising approach to regulate the Cu surface composition and structure for enhancing CO2RR.

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copper nanomaterial, electrocatalysis, carbon dioxide reduction, Faradaic efficiency

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