Volume 30, Issue 2 (2024)
Joint Time-Frequency Analysis: Taking Charge Penetration Depth and Current Spatial Distribution in the Single Pore as An Example
Nan Wang, Qiu-An Huang, Wei-Heng Li, Yu-Xuan Bai, and Jiu-Jun Zhang
Automated Workflow for Redox Potentials and Acidity Constants Calculations from Machine Learning Molecular Dynamics
Feng Wang and Jun Cheng
Measurements of Rate Constant for Electrode Reactions
Lian-Huan Han, Jia-Yao Guo, and Miao-Miao Cui
Confirmation of Anomalous-Heat Report
Steven B. Krivit and Melvin H. Miles
Deeply Mourning Prof. Allen Joseph Bard—The Worldwide Famous Electrochemist
Chinese Society of Electrochemistry

Cover Designers
Qiu-An Huang,
Institute for Sustainable Energy/College of
Science, Shanghai University,
Shanghai 201800, China
Email: qiuan_huang@shu.edu.cn
Wei-Heng Li,
Institute for Sustainable Energy/College of
Science, Shanghai University,
Shanghai 201800, China
Email: wh_li@shu.edu.cn
Jiu-Jun Zhang,
Institute for Sustainable Energy/College of
Science, Shanghai University,
Shanghai 201800, China
Email: jiujun.zhang@i.shu.edu.cn