
Corresponding Author

Fu-Jun Li(fujunli@nankai.edu.cn)


Rechargeable lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) batteries have attracted wide attention due to their high energy density. However, the sluggish cathode kinetics results in high overvoltage and poor cycling performance. Ruthenium (Ru)-based electrocatalysts have been demonstrated to be promising cathode catalysts to promote oxygen evolution reaction (OER). It facilitates decomposition of lithium peroxide (Li2O2) by adjusting Li2O2 morphologies, which is due to the strong interaction between Ru-based catalyst and superoxide anion (O2) intermediate. In this review, the design strategies of Ru-based electrocatalysts are introduced to enhance their OER catalytic kinetics in Li-O2 batteries. Different configurations of Ru-based catalysts, including metal particles (Ru metal and alloys), single-atom catalysts, and Ru-loaded compounds with various substrates (carbon materials, metal oxides/sulfides), have been summarized to regulate the electronic structure and the matrix architecture of the Ru-based electrocatalysts. The structure-property relationship of Ru-based catalyst is discussed for a better understanding of the Li2O2 decomposition mechanism at the cathode interface. Finally, the challenges of Ru-based electrocatalysts are proposed for the future development of Li-O2 batteries.

Graphical Abstract


Lithium-oxygen battery; Ruthenium-based electrocatalyst; Reaction mechanism; Reaction kinetics; Overvoltage

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