
Corresponding Author

Ding-Rong Deng (drdeng@jmu.edu.cn);
Qi-Hui Wu (qihui.wu@jmu.edu.cn)


Lithium-sulfur batteries are considered as one of the potential solutions as integrating renewable energy systems for large-scale energy storage because of their high theoretical energy density (2600 Wh·kg–1) and specific capacity (1675 mAh·g–1). Currently, various strategies have been proposed to overcome the technical barriers, e.g., “shuttle effect”, capacity decay and volumetric change, which impede the successful commercialization of lithium-sulfur batteries. This paper reviews the applications of metal nitrides as the cathode hosts for high-performance lithium-sulfur batteries, summarizes the design strategies of different host materials, and discusses the relationship between the properties of metal nitrides and their electrochemical performances. Finally, reasonable suggestions for the design and development of metal nitrides, along with ideas to promote future breakthroughs, are proposed. We hope that this review could attract more attention to metal nitrides and their derivatives, and further promote the electrochemical performance of lithium-sulfur batteries.

Graphical Abstract


Lithium-sulfur batteries, Metal nitride, Host material

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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
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