

In most of practical rechargeable batteries, charging/discharging process is always concerned with phase_transformation in the solid state. Due to the irreversibility of the phase_transformation, the cyclic performance of the rechargeable batteries are limited. In this paper, a novel reaction_region moving counter electrode system is constructed in our laboratory. The electrode system is operated at room temperature and cycled in solid_liquid phase during charging/discharging processes. With this electrode, the metal_complexes are firstly deposited(i.e. charging process) on the nearest working electrode and gradually extended to those another working electrodes several centimeters away from the counter electrode. The deposite is dissolved again into the solution during discharge process. Owing to the movement of the reaction_region, the electrode system can be used to produce high surface area electrodes and it can also be charged at high current, which has been used to design high energy_density rechargeable batteries in our group.

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