

XU Shi_min, XUE Kuan_hong , KONG Jing_lin, SUN Dong_mei, FENG Yu_ying, LU Hai_yan (Dept. of Chem., Nanjing Normal Univ., Nanjing 210097, China) WANG Guang_hou (National Laboratory of Solid State Microstructures, Nanjing Univ., Nanjing 210093, China)The porous alumina membrane formed in the anodic oxidation of highly pure aluminum foil has attracted a great deal of attention in recent years [1] . It can be served as a desired template to prepare nanometer scale materials [2] due to its unique structure of discrete and cylindrical nanopores, paralleled one another, with the homogeneous size and distribution [3] . Chalcogenide semiconductors have promising prospect in the applications of photovoltaic [4] and photoconducting devices [5] and have been extensively exploited for many years. Olbright and his co_workers studied experimentally and theoretically the optical nonlinearties of CdS xSe 1-x _doped glass [6] ; Britt and Ferekides reported that the conversion efficiency in a solar cell of thin_film CdS/CdTe could be as high as 15.8% [7] . Here we report the fabrication and UV_Vis absorption spectra of CdS、CdSe and Cd xZn 1-x S nanowire arrays deposited into the template matrix of porous alumina. The diameters of these nanowires were varied from 10 nm to 50 nm in our experiments.


Template synthesis, Porous alumina, Semiconductor, Cadmium chalcogenide, Nanowires

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