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Zuo long YU


The cathode materials Li 1+x Mn 2O 4 were prepared with citric acid complexing and solution impregnating methods.Structure characterization and specific surface area test were performed by means of XRD,BET methods ,the influences of calcination temperature,Li/Mn molar ratio and raw materials on the structure and electrochemical capacity of samples have beem examined.The results showed that the Li/Mn molar ratio and calcimation temperature were the key factors affecting the electrochemical capacity of cathode materias.The optimum conditions for synthesis of Li 1+x Mn 2O 4 cathode material were 0≤x≤0.05 and calcined at 750°C.The initial capacity of the sample reached 120 mAh/g and capacity retention after 50 cycles was 115 mAh/g.


Li ion Battery, Spinel structure, Lithium manganese oxide, Complex method, Impergnation method

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