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Solid oxide fuel cells with supported yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte films on anode substrates of various thickness have been fabricated. The electrochemical performances of the SOFCs have been examined. The results showed that the cell performance was limited by the anodic overpotential, which is caused mainly by a concentration polarization when the anode substrate is thick. The anodic overpotential was reduced obviously as the thickness of anode substrate was decreased. As a result, the performance of the SOFC cell was improved. With a 0.5 mm anode substrate, a SOFC cell produced a power density about 0.19 W/cm 2 at 800 ℃, which was 1.5 times as high as that of the cell with a 1.0 mm thickness anode (0.13 W/cm 2).


Anode supported, Yttria stabilized zirconia film, Concentration polarization, Solid oxide fuel cell

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