
Corresponding Author

Zhi_gang SHAO


Research and development on low platinum loading electrode is very important in reducing the cost of proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC)stack.This paper has put forward a new method to prepare the electrode of PEMFC. The pore forming substances were used in this methd. The low platinum loading electrodes (0.02 mgPtcm -2 )have already been prepared with the method. Compared with the traditional method, the new method is simple, cheep, and easy to scale up. The superior composition of the electrodes is catalyst: pore forming substance: Nafion= 331. The performance of a single cell using this kind of electrodes and Nafion 115 membrane can reach 500 mA/cm 2 at 0.7 V with 0.5 MPa H 2/O 2 operated at 80 ℃. If this kind of electrodes and Nafion 115 membrane are made up fuel cell stacks, the platinum loading per kW only needs 72mg.


Fuel cell, Proton_exchange Membrane, Electrode, Platinum loading

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