
Corresponding Author

Zhongda Wu


The coherent electroplates were prepared by electro depositing Pd on supporting materials glassy carbon. The surface morphology of the electrodes was examined by SEM. The electro oxidation of HCOOH in HClO 4 solution was investigated by using cyclic voltammetry. The results show that the deposited conditions in the preparation of electrodes by electro depositing Pd affect the electrodes electro catalytic activity to the oxidation of HCOOH. The platinized Pd electrode on GC substrates using large current density is of higher catalytic activity to the oxidation of HCOOH than Pd electrode. The electro catalytic activity of PdO formed on the Pd surface through electrochemical reactions is very low, while the freshly reduced Pd surface shows high catalytic activity to HCOOH oxidation. The effect of Pd(Ⅱ) ions on the electrochemical oxidation of HCOOH is discussed.


Electro deposition, Palladium, Formic acid, Electro oxidation

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