Volume 24, Issue 4 (2018)
Acetylcholinesterase Biosensor Platform Based on BP2000 for the Detection of Carbaryl
Ming-han ZHANG, Jun-qiao JIANG, Jun-jie Ge, and Wei XING
Preparations of Nano-Manganite Loaded Titanium Electocatalytic Membrane Electrode for Phenolic Wastewater Treatment
Le LI, Hong WANG, Rong-hua MA, Hong-sen HUI, Xiao-ping LIANG, and Jian-xin LI
Hybrid Battery-Capacitor System based on LiTi5O12 Anode and PTPAn Cathode
Xiu-li SU, Xiao-li DONG, Yao LIU, Yong-gang WANG, and Ai-shui YU
An Aqueous All-Metal Oxide Asymmetric Supercapacitor with High Gravimetric and Volumetric Energy Densities
JING Xin, Xu ZHANG, WANG Wei, and LANG Jun-wei
Complex Coordination Silver Electrocrystallization Mechanism on Glassy Carbon Electrode Surface
Shuai-shuai HUANG, Cheng LIU, Lei JIN, Fang-zu YANG, Zhong-qun TIAN, and Shao-min. ZHOU
Assemblies and Properties of Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on WO3/Carbon Cloth
Wen-ke SHAO, Lei ZHAO, Chao LIU, Yan-ying DONG, Yuan-jie ZHU, and Qiu-fan WANG
Preparation and Characterization of Self-Supporting Flexible Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Fabric Electrodes
Bo YANG, Zhi-hang JIN, Ya-ping ZHAO, and Zai-sheng CAI
Electrochemical Performances of Neodymium Doped Lead Dioxide Composite Anode
Hong-hui WANG, Ming-jie MA, Jie FENG, Huang-ya KANG, and Wen-jie HUANG
Influences of Na-Mn Ratio on Electrochemical Performances and Intercalation-Deintercalation Processes of Sodium Ion in NaxMnO2
Yong-chun XIE, Cheng WANG, Fang JIANG, Yang YANG, Jing SU, Yun-fei LONG, and Yan-xuan WEN
Modifications and Electrochemical Properties of Graphite Fluoride
Liang Zhang, Hong-mei Zhang, Wei-hua Wan, and Jun-hua Wei
Electrochemical Preparation and Photo-Electro Catalytic Properties of Flexible ZnNi/Al-LDHs/Carbon Fibers Composite
Jing-jing TIAN, Tao CHEN, Xing-chen BAO, Meng-xu GAO, Ye-xiao YU, Si-yao PENG, and Guan-ping JIN
Highly Crystalline Nickel Borate Nanorods as Oxygen Evolution Reaction Electrocatalysts
Xi XU, Juan LIU, Hua-zong WU, and Wen-jie Jiang
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Dong-ping ZHAN

Cover Designers
WANG Wei,Ocean University of China Email:clwang@ouc.edu.cn
LANG Jun-wei,Lanzhou Institute of
Chemical Physics