Volume 23, Issue 2 (2017) Special Issue in Honor of Professor Zhaowu Tian on His 90th Birthday
Preface:Special Issue in Honor of Professor Zhaowu Tian on His 90th Birthday
Shigang Sun, Changjian Lin, and Bingwei Mao
Designing Pt-skin of Pt-based Bimetallic electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Binwei Zhang, Yunxiao Wang, Yanfei Xu, Huakun Liu, and Shixue Dou
Recent Progress in Template-Assisted Synthesis of Nitrogen-Doped Porous Carbons for Oxygen Electroreduction
Niu Wenhan, Li Ligui, and Shaowei Chen and
Reconstruction of Distributions of Nanoparticles or Electroactive Nano-Components in Electrochemical Arrays Based on Chronoamperometric Data
Alexander Oleinick, Oleksii Sliusarenko, Irina Svir, and Christian Amatore
Comparative Studies of Fe, Ni, Co and Their Bimetallic Nanoparticles for Electrochemical Water Oxidation
Maduraiveeran Govindhan, Brennan Mao, and Aicheng Chen
Impact of Nafion Loading and Anion Adsorption on the Synthesis of Pt Monolayer Core-shell Catalysts
Lijun Yang, Dustin Banham, Elod Gyenge, and Siyu Ye
Green Electrochemical Ozone Production via Water Splitting: Mechanism Studies
Gregory Gibson and Wenfeng Lin
Comparison of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity of Pt-Alloy Nanocubes
Yongan Tang, Lin Dai, and Shouzhong Zou
Resistive-Pulse Analysis of Single Phospholipid Vesicles Using Quartz Nanochannels
T. Cox Jonathan and Zhang Bo
Novel Composites between Nano-Structured Nickel Sulfides and Three-Dimensional Graphene for High Performance Supercapacitors
Xiaomin Wang, Huanglin Dou, Zhen Tian, and Jiujun Zhang
Rutile TiO2 Nanosheet Arrays Planted on Magnetron Sputtered Ti Metal Layers for Efficient Perovskite Solar Cells
Nang Zhang, Meidan Ye, Xiaoru Wen, and Changjian Lin
Electrodeposition of RuO2 Layers on TiO2 Nanotube Array toward CO2 Electroreduction
Bei Jiang, Lina Zhang, Xianxian Qin, and Wenbin Cai
Electrografting of Mono-N-Boc-Ethylenediamine from an Acetonitrile/Aqueous NaHCO3 Mixture
Hamzah Hisham, Denuault Guy, Bartlett Philip, Pinczewska Aleksandra, and Kilburn Jeremy

Guest Editors
Shi-Gang Sun,Xiamen University Email:sgsun@xmu.edu.cn
Lin-Chang Jian,Xiamen University Email:cjlin@xmu.edu.cn
Cover Designer
Christian Amatore,école normalesupérieure Email:christian.amatore@ens.fr