Volume 25, Issue 3 (2019) Special Issue: Electrochemical Analysis and Sensing (Ⅱ)
Recent Advances in Nanofluidic Electrochemistry for Biochemical Analysis
Zhong-qiu LI, Zeng-qiang WU, and Xing-hua XIA
Recent Progresses of Enzymes Assembled in Nanochannels for Catalytic Reaction
SHANGGUAN Li, XU Xuan, LIU Song-qin, and
Current Statuses and Challenges of Wearable, Flexible Electronic Sensors and Energy Storage Devices
Zhong-qian SONG, Fang-jie HAN, Hui-jun KONG, Jia-nan XU, Yu BAO, Dong-xue HAN, and Li NIU
Electrocatalytic Nanomaterials for Reduction of Hydrogen Peroxide as Potential Radioprotectors
Rui-hong JIA, Jin-xuan ZHANG, Xiao-dong ZHANG, and Mei-xian LI
Research Progresses in Structural Modulation and Electrochemiluminescence of Supertetrahedral Chalcogenide Clusters
Gang LEI and Yang LIU
Electrochemical Biosensors for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology
Yu-wei PAN, Kang MAO, Franziska TUERK, and Zhu-gen YANG
Single Particle Impact Electrochemistry: Analyses of Nanoparticles and Biomolecules
Jian-hua ZHANG and Yi-ge ZHOU
Correlated Optical Imaging and Electrochemical Recording for Studying Single Nanoparticle Collisions
Lin-lin SUN, Wei WANG, and Hong-yuan CHEN
A Low Noise Temperature Control System for Nanopore-Based Single Molecule Analysis
Cheng-yu YANG, Zhen GU, Zheng-li HU, Yi-lun YING, and Yi-tao LONG
Study on the Relationship between Structure of Supramolecular Ion Material and Performance of Humidity Sensing
Hui-min TANG, Hai-long YAN, Li ZHANG, Jun-jie FEI, Ping YU, and Lan-qun MAO
Cysteine and Cystamine Co-Self-Assembled Monolayers for in Vivo Detection of Ascorbic Acid
Yue ZHANG, Tao-tao FENG, Wen-liang JI, and Mei-ning ZHANG
Latest and Hot Paper
Latest and Hot Papers
Dong-Ping ZHAN

Guest Editors
Yi-Tao Long,Nanjing University Email:yitaolong@nju.edu.cn
Yang Tian,East China Normal University Email:ytian@chem.ecnu.edu.cn
Cover Designer
Yi-Ying Lun,Nanjing University Email:yilunying@ecust.edu.cn