Volume 26, Issue 2 (2020) Special Issue:High Temperature Electrochemistry
Direct Carbon Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Jiang LIU and Xiao-min YAN
Perovskite Catalysts for Fuel Reforming in SOFC:A Review and Perspective
Tong WEI, Jian LI, Li-chao JIA, Bo CHI, and Jian PU
Research Progress of Fuel Electrode in Oxide-Ion Conducting Solid Oxide Electrolysers
Ling-ting YE and Kui XIE
Research Progress in Ethane Dehydrogenation to Cogenerate Power and Value-Added Chemicals in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Yun FAN, Qi WANG, Jun LI, Jing-li LUO, and Xian-zhu FU
Development Status and Prospects of Hydrogen Production by High Temperature Solid Oxide Electrolysis
Wen-qiang ZHANG and Bo YU
Materials, Micro-Stacks and Related Applications of Single-Chamber Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Zhe Lv, Bo WEI, Zhi-hong WANG, and Yan-ting TIAN
Recent Advances of CO2 Electrochemical Reduction in Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cells
Yi-hang LI and Chang-rong XIA
Preparation and Characterization of Cathode Supported Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
Xiao-nan BAO, Guang-jun ZHANG, and Shao-rong WANG
Electrochemical Performance Improvement of Li2MnO3 Cathode Materials by MgF2 Coating
Du-dan WANG, Fei WANG, Huan-huan ZHAI, Yu-peng LI, Na-chuan YANG, and Kang-hua CHEN
Pitting Behavior of Stainless Steel in Simulated Marine Atmosphere Based on Electrochemical Noise
Jun-hao DENG, Gui WANG, Jie-zhen HU, Pei-chang DENG, and Huan-huan HU
Cyclic Voltammetry Coupled with Faradic Adsorption/Desorption Processes: A Finite Element Simulation
Jia-yao GUO, Duan CHEN, Jie ZHANG, and Dong-ping ZHAN
NiO@rGO Supported Palladium and Silver Nanoparticles as Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction
Shuo YAO, Tai-zhong HUANG, Rizwan HAIDER, Heng-yi FANG, Jie-mei YU, Zhan-kun JIANG, Dong LIANG, Yue SUN, and Xian-xia YUAN
Syntheses and Properties of Ta 5+ Doped Li7La3Zr2O12
Feng-feng PENG, Shi-you LI, Tong-tong GENG, Chun-lei LI, and Shuang-wei ZENG
Construction and Electrochemical Performance of Garnet-Type Solid Electrolyte/Al-Li Alloy Interface
Jia-lin MA, Hong-chun WANG, Zheng-liang GONG, and Yong YANG
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Dong-ping ZHAN

Guest Editor
Jiang Liu,South China University of Technology Email:jiangliu@scut.edu.cn
Cover Designer
XIA Chang-Rong,University of Science and Technology of China Email:xiacr@ustc.edu.cn